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( Industrial Production )

At the Sugal Group we invest in process improvement, staff training and the latest technology to bring the freshness, flavour and quality of the newly picked tomatoes to each product we produce and pack.

Industrial production consists of using very efficient and controlled technology to process raw materials (tomato and fruits) into more concentrated products, better suited to our clients’ needs, retaining as far as possible the freshness and flavour of fresh fruit, while providing our consumers with quality, safe foodstuffs.

( The 5 stages of Industrial production )


Sterilization and Filling


Storage and Shipping

Farming Production

Our product is born in the field and from seed to the delivery of fresh tomatoes in our factories we follow a step to guarantee the best product.

Quality and Safety

Quality products, processes and working methods are our hallmark, and allow us to deliver tasty, innovative, safe foodstuffs.