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( Make
the difference )

Our commitment to our Team and to the community is to Be+ (be more). 

“Be+ Sugal Group” is our internal and external corporate social responsibility project.


Our products must be the best for our clients. They are produced in line with the highest Quality and Food safety standards, as we follow best practice from the field to the end product, thus ensuring greater competitiveness. The 3 pillars of “Be+ Product”: Quality, Safety and Efficiency


We encourage a culture of an environmental-friendly company which supports behaviours that contribute daily to a smaller environmental footprint by reducing consumption, conserving resources and managing waste properly. The 3 pillars of “Be+ Environment”: Protect, Reduce and Recycle


With a permanent annual global team of over 500 people, to which we add more than a 1,000 at harvest time, the way in which we manage our people and the community where we work has to have a positive impact. The 4 pillars of “Be+ People”: HSH, Training and Development, ETI and Human Rights, Commitment & Sharing.

( Environment )

The Sugal Group, specialized in the manufacture of tomato-based products, recognizes that the continuous improvement of QUALITY, ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE and HYGIENE AND SAFETY AT WORK are the pillars of Sugal Group. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and our values ​​(Passion for Quality, Excellence, Commitment, Integrity and Being a Team), Sugal Group is committed to:


Contribute actively to the preservation of the environment and improve our environmental performance, always having sustainability and pollution prevention as principles, minimizing the production of waste, efficient and rational use of energy, raw materials, water and packaging


Apply the best available technologies, together with our suppliers, in order to establish our priorities, reduce our environmental impacts and define action plans


Ensure the participation and awareness of all employees in improving environmental performance, ensuring food safety and implementing good hygiene and manufacturing practices, in accordance with the sector's codes of practice. Compliance with national legal requirements of customers and regulations, as well as in the prevention and improvement of Health and Safety conditions at Work, through adequate training, whenever necessary


Comply with all compliance obligations applicable to our raw materials, products and activities, as well as the requirements stipulated in BRC, IFS and ISO 14001 standards and continuously improve the Quality, Food Safety and Environment management system implemented

( Hygiene, Safety and Health at Work )

“People come first” means we do not see the safety of our people, their health and proper hygiene as mere duties, but rather we strive to do more and better every day.

The Safety of our people is a priority for the Sugal Group, and to that end we work on two fronts:

  • Risk Assessment and Prevention for every type of process, item of equipment and job.
  • Safe Behaviour and Best Practice awareness training and coaching. 
  • Health – We ensure all of our employees have suitable access to medical care, in-house and externally, to bring about a healthier and happier team.
  • To ensure we follow best hygiene practice we have appropriate facilities and provide regular training sessions on best agri-food industry hygiene practice.