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( Be part
of Sugal )

Being Sugal is being a team, we say that “we are one” a global team that from Chile, Spain and Portugal knows that only working together with a common purpose will the Sugal of the future be built.

+ 500 collaborators

We have more than 500 employees in our team, who work daily to ensure that the best products for you reach the market.

3 countries, 2 continents

Sugal is located in 3 countries, namely Portugal, Spain and Chile, where they work together with the common purpose of building the Sugal of the future.

5 factories

We currently have 5 factories, where all strict parameters are met on a daily basis, guaranteeing the safety of all our customers and employees

( Applications )


If you’re proud of what you do, if you’re strong, if you like
to be more and better and aspire to work in a company that intends to be the reference of leadership,
Join the Sugal Group team!